• Welcome!

    I'm an Assistant Professor in the School of Information at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). Before joining RIT, I worked as an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at Seattle University. Prior to this role, I was in the Social Spaces group at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, advised by Prof. Karrie Karahalios.

    My research interests are in data visualization and assistive technology. I design, build, and evaluate interactive systems to study people’s perceptions and usage of data visualization in various domains including healthcare and the media. My latest research projects looked at credibility and trust in visualization online, and how visualization can help clinicians and parents of young children communicate more efficiently.
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What have I written?


Kong, H. K.*, Yadav, S.*, Lowy, R., Ruzinov, D. R., & Kim, J. G. Understanding Online Job and Housing Search Practices of Neurodiverse Young Adults to Support Their Independence. CHI 2024. pdf
*Both authors contributed equally to this work

Kong, H. K., Zainab, F., Turner, A. M., Bekemeier, B., & Backonja, U. Designing an infographic webtool for public health. Health Communication 2024. link

Do, H., Kong, H. K., Tetali, P., Karahalios, K., & Bailey, B. Inform, Explain, or Control: Techniques to Adjust End-User Performance Expectations for a Conversational Agent Facilitating Group Chat Discussions. CSCW 2023. pdf

Cullen, R., Heitkemper, E., Backonja, U., Bekemeier, B., & Kong, H. K.. Designing an infographic webtool for public health. JAMIA 2023. link

Do, H., Kong, H. K., Tetali, P., Lee, J. & Bailey, B. To Err is AI: Imperfect Interventions and Repair in a Conversational Agent Facilitating Group Chat Discussions. CSCW 2022. pdf

Do, H., Kong, H. K., Lee, J. & Bailey, B. How Should the Agent Communicate to the Group? Communication Strategies of a Conversational Agent in Group Chat Discussions. CSCW 2022. pdf

Jung G., Oh J., Jung Y., Sun J., Kong, H. K., & Lee U. “Good Enough!”: Flexible Goal Achievement with Margin-based Outcome Evaluation. CHI 2021. link

Kim, J. G., Kong, H. K.., Hong, H, & Karahalios, K. Enriched Social Translucence in Medical Crowdfunding. DIS 2020. pdf

Kong, H. K. & Karahalios, K. Addressing Cognitive and Emotional Barriers in Parent-Clinician Communication through Behavioral Visualization Webtools, CHI 2020. pdf

Kong, H. K., Zhu, W., Liu, Z., & Karahalios, K. Understanding Visual Cues in Visualizations Accompanied by Audio Narrations, CHI 2019. pdf

Kong, H. K., Liu, Z., & Karahalios, K. Trust and Recall of Information across Varying Degrees of Title-Visualization Misalignment, CHI 2019. pdf

Kong, H. K., Liu, Z., & Karahalios, K. Frames and Slants in Titles of Visualizations on Controversial Topics, CHI 2018. pdf

Kong, H. K.*, Lee, J.*, and Karrahalios, K. A Comparative Study of Visualizations with Different Granularities of Behavior for Communicating about Autism, CSCW 2018. pdf

Rahman, S., Aliakbarpour, M., Kong, H. K., Blais, E., Karahalios, K., Parameswaran, A., & Rubinfield, R. I’ve Seen “Enough”: Incrementally Improving Visualizations to Support Rapid Decision Making, VLDB 2017. pdf

Kong, H. K., Liu, Z., & Karahalios, K. Internal and External Visual Cue Preferences for Visualizations in Presentations, EuroVis 2017. pdf

Kong, H. K. & Karahalios, K. Parental Perceptions, Experiences, and Desires of Music Therapy, AMIA 2016. pdf

Lee, J., Kong, H. K., Lin, S., & Karahalios, . Plexlines: Tracking Socio-communicative Behaviors Using Timeline Visualizations, AMIA 2016. pdf

Kong, H. K..*, Lee, J.*, Ding, J., & Karahalios, . EnGaze: Designing Behavior Visualizations with and for Behavioral Scientists, DIS 2016. pdf

Kim, J. G., Kong, H. K., Karahalios, K., Fu, W. T., & Hong, H. The Power of Collective Endorsements: Credibility Factors in Medical Crowdfunding Campaigns, CHI 2016. pdf

Kong, H. K., Wu, Y. W., Bailey, B., & Karahalios, K. Culture, Imagined Audience, and Language Choices of Multilingual Chinese and Korean Students on Facebook, SocInfo 2015. pdf

What/where have I learned?


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • PhD in Computer Science (Aug 2019)
  • Advisor: Karrie Karahalios

Calvin College - Grand Rapids, MI

  • BS with Honors in Computer Science (May 2013)
  • Advisor: Serita Neleson

Calvin College - Grand Rapids, MI

  • BA with Honors in Music (May 2013)
  • Advisor: Hyesook Kim
What have I worked on?

Research Projects

Family Behavior Support App

We hope to support families of young children with challenging behavior through this project. The Family Behavior Support App provides strategies to prevent and address children’s challenging behaviors at home.

Plexlines & EnGaze

We present a system to visualize the annotations of videos of children engaged in a 3-5 minute interactive protocol that assesses communicative behavior, the Rapid ABC. Rapid ABC session videos are annotated to capture important developmental indicators for a young child. From these annotations, we create a graphical fingerprint for each session.

Visual Cues

Visual cues highlight specific parts of a visualization to guide the audience’s attention. We study the types and uses of visual cues that facilitate visualization storytelling and presentation. We found that in general, visual cues did not have a significant effect on learning outcomes, but for specific cue techniques (e.g. glow) or specific chart types (e.g heatmap), cues significantly improved comprehension.

The Power of Collective Endorsements: Credibility Factors in Medical Crowdfunding Campaigns

We investigated how potential donors assess credibility of medical crowdfunding campaigns and identified eleven factors that affect the perceived credibility of a campaign. Three of them were communicative/emotional factors that were unique to medical crowdfunding.

Language Choices of Multilingual Students on Facebook

We found that Chinese and Korean students choose a language on SNS to divide and filter their imagined audience. Culture played two contrasting roles; users wanted to share their culture in English but share their emotions in their native language. Through this work, we hope to portray language choice not as a tool for exclusion but of consideration for the potential audience and adherence to one's culture.

Parental Perceptions, Experiences, and Desires of Music Therapy

We explored the landscape of music therapy and existing challenges that lead to the underuse of music therapy. Contrary to the public perception that music therapy only addresses emotional needs, most participants reported seeing improvements in other areas including behavioral, cognitive, linguistic, and social changes.